Ts'ebetso ea tlhophiso ea Huawei OLT-MA5608T-GPON


1. Tlhophiso e le 'ngoe ea ho ngolisa ONU

//Sheba tlhophiso ea hajoale: MA5608T(config)# bonts'a tlhophiso ea hajoale

0. Lokisa aterese ea IP ea tsamaiso (ho tsamaisa tsamaiso le tlhophiso ea OLT ka tšebeletso ea Telnet ea koung ea marang-rang)

MA5608T(config)#interface meth 0

MA5608T(config-if-meth0)#ip address


Tlhokomeliso: Ka mor'a hore MA5608T e lokisoe ka aterese ea IP ea tsamaiso, haeba u sa tsoe ho terminal ea Console, molaetsa "Linako tsa ho khutlela morao li fihlile moeling o ka holimo" o tla hlaha kamehla ha o kena ka Telnet. Lebaka ke hobane ha o kena joalo ka motso oa "super administrator" oa kamehla, sistimi e u lekanyetsa khokahano e le 'ngoe feela ka nako. Tharollo ea bothata bona ke ho eketsa mosebelisi e mocha oa molaoli le ho beha "Nomoro e lumelletsoeng ea ho kenya hape" makhetlo a 3. Taelo e tobileng ke e latelang,

MA5608T(config)#terminal lebitso la mosebedisi

Lebitso la mosebelisi(bolelele<6,15>):ma5608t //Beha lebitso la mosebelisi ho: ma5608t

Password (bolelele <6,15>): //Beha phasewete ho: admin1234

Netefatsa Lekunutu(bolelele<6,15>):

Lebitso la boemo ba mosebelisi(<=15 chars)[root]: //Tobetsa Enter

Boemo ba Mosebelisi:

1. Mosebelisi ea Tloaelehileng 2. Operator 3. Mookameli: 3 // Kenya 3 ho khetha litokelo tsa mookameli

Nomoro e lumelletsoeng ea ho Kena hape (0--4): 3 // Kenya palo ea linako tse lumelletsoeng ho kena hape, ke hore makhetlo a 3

Lintlha tse Kenyellelitsoeng ho Mosebelisi(<=30 chars): //Tobetsa Enter

E atlehile ho kenya mosebelisi

Pheta tšebetso ee? (y/n)[n]:n

Nka hore nomoro ea boardboard ea Huawei MA5608T ke 0/2 mme nomoro ea boto ea GPON ke 0/1.



Ts'ebetso ea tlhophiso ea Huawei OLT-MA5608T-GPON

1. Theha VLAN ea tšebeletso 'me u kenye lebokose la li-motherboard ho eona

MA5608T(config)#vlan 100 smart // Theha VLAN ea ts'ebeletso ka mokhoa oa tlhophiso ea lefats'e, ka nomoro ea VLAN ea 100.

MA5608T(config)#port vlan 100 0/2 0 // Eketsa boema-kepe bo ka holimo ba board 0 ho VLAN 100

MA5608T(config)#interface mcu 0/2 //kenya sebopeho sa sebopeho sa motherboard

MA5608T(config-if-mcu-0/2)#native-vlan 0 vlan 100 //Beha VLAN ea kamehla ea boema-kepe bo ka holimo ba board 0 ho VLAN 100

MA5608T(config-if-mcu-0/2)#quit //Khutlela mokhoeng oa tlhophiso ea lefats'e

// Sheba li-VLAN tsohle tse teng: bonts'a vlan kaofela

// Sheba lintlha tsa VLAN: bonts'a vlan 100

2. Etsa template ea DBA (dynamic bandwidth allocation).

MA5608T(config)#dba-profile eketsa profil-id 100 type3 tiisetsa 102400 max 1024000 // Theha profil ea DBA ka ID 100, mofuta oa Type3, sekhahla se tiisitsoeng sa marang-rang sa 100M, le boholo ba 1000M.

// Sheba: bonts'a dba-profile kaofela

Tlhokomeliso: DBA e ipapisitse le kemiso eohle ea ONU. U hloka ho khetha mofuta o nepahetseng oa bandwidth le boholo ba bandwidth ho latela mofuta oa ts'ebeletso ea ONU le palo ea basebelisi. Hlokomela hore kakaretso ea bandwidth ea fix le bandwidth e netefatsa e ke ke ea e-ba kholo ho feta kakaretso ea kakaretso ea sebopeho sa PON (DBA e ka boela ea laola moeli oa lebelo le holimo).

  1. Lokisa template ea mola


MA5608T(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 100 // Hlalosa profil ea ONT mme o hlakise ID joalo ka 100

MA5608T(config-gpon-lineprofile-100)#tcont 1 dba-profile-id 100 // Hlalosa tcont ka ID ea 1 ebe u e tlama ho boemo bo boletsoeng ba dba. Ka ho sa feleng, tcont0 e tlameletsoe ho profil ea dba 1 mme ha ho tlhophiso e hlokahalang.

MA5608T(config-gpon-lineprofile-100)#gem eketsa 0 eth tcont 1 // Hlalosa boema-kepe ba GEM ka ID ea 0 ebe u e tlama ho tcont 1. Hlokomela: GEM e ka etsoa feela e le 1-1000, 'me ho na le mekhoa e 'meli e tlamang: eth/tdm.

MA5608T(config-gpon-lineprofile-100)#gem mapping 0 1 vlan 101 // Hlalosa 'mapa oa boema-kepe ba GEM, o nang le ID 1 ea 'mapa, e bonts'ang boema-kepe ba GEM 0 ho ea ho vlan 101.

MA5608T(config-gpon-lineprofile-100)#gem mapping 0 2 vlan 102

MA5608T(config-gpon-lineprofile-100)#gem mapping 0 3 vlan 103


// Theha kamano ea 'mapa pakeng tsa boema-kepe ba GEM le tšebeletso ea VLAN ka lehlakoreng la ONT. ID ea 'mapa ke 1, e bonts'ang boema-kepe ba GEM 0 ho mosebelisi VLAN 101 ka lehlakoreng la ONT.

// Melao ea 'mapa ea boema-kepe ea GEM: a. Boema-kepe ba GEM (joalo ka lehakoe 0) bo ka etsa 'mapa oa li-VLAN tse ngata ha feela litekanyetso tsa bona tsa limmapa li fapane;

b. Boleng ba index ea 'mapa bo ka ba tsa likou tse ngata tsa GEM.

c. VLAN e ka etsoa feela ka boema-kepe bo le bong ba GEM.

MA5608T(config-gpon-lineprofile-100)#commit //O tlameha ho itlama, ho seng joalo tlhophiso e kaholimo e ke ke ea sebetsa.

MA5608T(config-gpon-lineprofile-100)#quit //Khutlela mokhoeng oa tlhophiso ea lefats'e

//Sheba tlhophiso ea profil ea hajoale: bonts'a ont-lineprofile hajoale


(1) Ho li-tconts tsohle, index ea boema-kepe ba GEM le vlan ea 'mapa li ikhethile.

(2) Koung e tšoanang ea GEM, index ea 'mapa e ikhethile; likoung tse fapaneng tsa GEM, index ea 'mapa e ka tšoana.

(3) Bakeng sa lehakoe le tšoanang, ho ka etsoa limmapa tse 7 tsa VLAN.

(4) Sepheo sa lithempleite tsa line: a. E sebelisoa ho fokotsa lebelo (tlama dba-profile); b. E sebelisoa ho etsa 'mapa oa VLAN e le 'ngoe kapa ho feta.

4. Hlophisa lithempleite tsa tšebeletso

MA5608T(config)#ont-srvprofile gpon profil-id 100 //Hlalosa thempleite ya tshebeletso e nang le ID 100

MA5608T(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)#ont-port eth 1 // Hlalosa mofuta oa ONT tlas'a template ea tšebeletso 'me u hlalose hore na ONT e na le lihokelo tse kae (tse sebelisoang hangata ke likou tsa marang-rang le likou tsa lentsoe, hape ho na le CATV, VDSL, TDM le MOCA)

(Mohlala: ont-port eth 4 pits 2 //eth 4 pits 2 e bolela 4 network ports le 2 voice port)

MA5608T(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)#port vlan eth 1 101 // Hlophisa tšebeletso vlan ea eth1 port (ke hore netweke port 1) ea ONT

MA5608T(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)#commit //E tlameha ho itlama, ho seng joalo tlhophiso e ke ke ea sebetsa.

MA5608T(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)#quit //Khutlela mokhoeng oa tlhophiso ea lefats'e

//Sheba tlhophiso ea profil ea hajoale ea ts'ebeletso: bonts'a ont-srvprofile hajoale

Kakaretso: Sepheo sa boemo ba tšebeletso - a. Hlalosa mofuta oa ONT o ka amanang le OLT; b. Hlalosa PVID ea sebopeho sa ONT.


  1. Ngolisa ONT MA5608T(config)#interface gpon 0/1 // Kenya GPON boto ea OLT MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 0 ont-auto-find thusa // Numella tšebetso ea ONU ea ho sibolla koloi ea PON port 0 letlapeng la GPON MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont autofind 0 // Sheba ONU e fumanoang tlas'a PON port 0 Hlokomela: Ho na le litsela tse peli tsa ho ngolisa GPON ONT, e 'ngoe ke ho ngolisa ka GPON SN,' me e 'ngoe ke ho ngolisa ka LOID. Khetha e 'ngoe ea tsona. A. GPON SN mokhoa oa ho ngolisa MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont add 0 0 sn-auth ZTEG00000001 omci ont- lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100 //Boema-kepeng ba PON 0 ea GPON boto (e nang le 0/1), eketsa tlhahisoleseding ea ngoliso ea GPON ONU Nomoro 0, e ngolisitsoeng ka mokhoa oa GPON SN, le GPON SN e le "ZTEG00000001", 'me e tlameletsoe ho template ea line 100 le tšebeletso ea 100. B. LOID mokhoa oa ho ngolisa MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/ 1)#ont eketsa 0 0 loid-auth FSP01030VLAN100 kamehla-on omci ont-lineprofile -id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100 //Onu 0 of PON 0, loid ke FSP01030VLAN100, line template ke 100, le service template ke 100. Tlatsetso: Loid mona ke tlhahisoleseding ea netefatso e lokelang ho kenngoa ho modem ea optical nakong e tlang, e ka fetoloang. // Sheba hore na ts'ebetso ea ho sibolla ka boits'oaro ea ONT e lumelletsoe: bonts'a lintlha tsa boema-kepe 0 // Lekola tlhaiso-leseling ea ONT e ngolisitsoeng ka katleho: bonts'a boema-kepe ba ont-register-info {0 |all} (Sebopeho sa tlhahisoleseling: SN + nako ea ngoliso + sephetho) //Sheba tlhaiso-leseling ea DDM ea mojule oa PON: boemo ba boema-kepe bo bonts'ang {0|kaofela} //Sheba kakaretso ea li-ONT tse ngolisitsoeng tlasa boema-kepe ba PON: bonts'a lintlha tsohle 0 kaofela (Sebopeho sa tlhahisoleseling: nomoro ea boema-kepe + nomoro ea ONT + SN + boemo ba ho sebetsa) // Sheba lintlha tsa li-ONT tse ngolisitsoeng tlas'a boema-kepe ba PON: bonts'a lintlha tsa 0 0 (ho kenyeletsoa SN, LOID, line-profile, DBA-profile, VLAN, tšebeletso-profile, joalo-joalo) //Sheba tlhahisoleseling ea li-ONT tse sa ngolisoang tlas'a boema-kepe ba PON ka ho sibolloa ha otho ho lumelletsoe: bonts'a ont autofind 0 (Sebopeho sa tlhahisoleseling: nomoro ea boema-kepe + SN + SN password + LOID + LOID password + ID ea moetsi + software le mofuta oa Hardware + nako ea ho sibolla)

6. Beha VLAN ea kamehla ea boema-kepe ba ONT

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont port native-vlan 0 0 eth 1 vlan 101 // Tlas'a PON port 0 ea boto ea GPON (nomoro 0/1), hlakisa VLAN ea kamehla ea boema-kepe ba eth 1 ea ONU e nang le nomoro ea 0 joalo ka vlan101

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#quit //Khutlela mokhoeng oa tlhophiso ea lefats'e

7. Theha boema-kepe ba tšebeletso bo tlameletsoeng ho ONU 'me u e kenye ho VLAN e boletsoeng

MA5608T(config)#service-port vlan 100 gpon 0/5/0 ont 0 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 101

// Theha boema-kepe ba tšebeletso 'me u bo kenye ho vlan100. Boema-kepe ba tšebeletso bo tlameletsoe ho ONU e nang le nomoro ea 0 tlas'a PON port 0 ea boto ea GPON (e nang le 0/1), hape e tlameletsoe boema-kepeng ba GEM tlas'a line template tcont1 0: e hlalosa mosebedisi VLAN ea ONU e le vlan101 .


  1. Tlhophiso ea ho ingolisa ea Batch ONU

1. Numella tšebetso ea ONT-auto-discovery ea boema-kepe bo bong le bo bong ba PON

MA5608T(config)#interface gpon 0/1 //Kena boema-kepe bo ka tlaase ba noka ea GPON

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 0 ont-auto-find nolofalletsa

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 1 ont-auto-find nolofalletsa

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 2 ont-auto-find nolofalletsa



  1. Ngoliso ea sehlopha sa ONU

ot add 0 1 sn-auth ZTEG00000001 omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100 ont add 0 2 sn-auth ZTEG00000002 omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-ids-idsn 0auth-ids-0auth 0 ZTEG00000003 omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100 ...


ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 1 vlan 101

ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 1 vlan 101

ont port native-vlan 0 3 eth 1 vlan 101



service-port vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0 ont 1 gemport 0 lits'ebeletso tse ngata tsa mosebelisi-vlan 101

service-port vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0 ont 2 gemport 0 lits'ebeletso tse ngata tsa mosebelisi-vlan 101

service-port vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0 ont 3 gemport 0 lits'ebeletso tse ngata tsa mosebelisi-vlan 101



Ngodisa ONU pele o kenya boema-kepe ba tshebeletso.

Ho hlakola ngoliso ea ONU, o tlameha ho qala ka ho hlakola boema-kepe ba eona bo tsamaisanang le eona

MA5608T(config)# hlakola tšebeletso-port vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0 { | ont lehakoe } // Hlakola likou tsa litšebeletso tsa li-ONT tsohle kapa li-ONT tse boletsoeng tlasa PON 0/1/0

MA5608T(config)# segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo gpon 0/1

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont delete 0 {tsohle | } // Hlakola li-ONT tsohle kapa li-ONT tse boletsoeng tlas'a PON 0/1/0

// Ho ngolisa ONU, ho beha PVID ea ONU, le ho eketsa boema-kepe ba litšebeletso kaofela ho hloka ts'ebetso ea "kena habeli".

// Ho hlakola boema-kepe bo le bong ba tšebeletso, ha ho hlokahale hore u tobetse "Enter habeli" empa u hloka ho "Tiisa", ke hore, kenya "y" ka mor'a khoele e potlakileng "(y/n)[n]:"; ho hlakola likou tsohle tsa lits'ebeletso, o hloka ho tobetsa "Enter habeli" le "Confirm".

// Ho hlakola ONU e le 'ngoe, ha ho hlokahale hore u tobetse "Tiisa" kapa "Kena habeli"; ho hlakola li-ONU tsohle, o hloka ho tobetsa "Tiisa".


Sebopeho sa GPON SN sa ONU e ngolisitsoeng se bontšitsoeng ho GPON OLT ke: 8 likotoana + 8 bits, joalo ka "48445647290A4D77".

Mohlala: GPON SN——HDVG290A4D77

HDVG——Fetola boleng ba khoutu ya ASCII e tsamaellanang le tlhaku e nngwe le e nngwe hore e be nomoro ya hexadecimal ya dinomoro tse 2, ke hore: 48 44 56 47

Ka hona, GPON SN e ngolisitsoeng ke——HDVG-290A4D77, ’me pontšo e bolokiloeng ke——48445647290A4D77



(1) Motho ea tsoaletsoeng o tlameha ho lumellana le mosebelisi oa lehakoe, 'me motho o tlameha ho ba ka har'a 'mapa oa lehakoe le ts'oanang.

(2) Ha ho na le li-onts tse ngata, basebelisi-vlans ha ba hloke ho ekeletsoa ka tatellano. Mohlala, vlan101 e ka hokahana ka kotloloho ho vlan106, mme ha e hloke ho hokahana le vlan102.

(3) Li-onts tse fapaneng li ka amahanngoa le mosebelisi ea tšoanang-vlan.

(4) VLAN ho thempleite ea tšebeletso ea ont-srvprofile e ka hlophisoa ka thato ntle le ho ama puisano ea data, joalo ka vlan100 le vlan101. Leha ho le joalo, hang ha ONT e tlameletsoe mojuleng oa tšebeletso nakong ea ngoliso, VLAN ea eona e ke ke ea fetoloa, ho seng joalo e tla baka khaollo ea puisano.

(5) Beha bandwidth ho dba-profile ho ho etsa bonnete ba hore li-ONU tse ka tlase ho 100 li ka ngolisa ka nako e le 'ngoe ntle le ho baka palo e sa lekaneng ea bandwidth.

Tlhahlobo ea GPON ONU:

Tharollo ea 1: Ngoliso e le 'ngoe le tlhahlobo e le' ngoe, leka pele ebe u ngola khoutu.

Molao-motheo: GPON SN ea kamehla ea li-GPON ONU tsohle ke boleng bo tšoanang, ke hore, "ZTEG00000001". E ngolise boema-kepeng ba PON ba GPON OLT ka ngoliso ea SN. Ha ho na le ONU e le 'ngoe feela boema-kepeng ba PON, ntoa ea LOID e ka qojoa mme ngoliso e ka atleha.

Tshebetso: (1) GPON OLT tlhophiso ea ngoliso. (Ka software e sireletsehileng ea CRT, koung ea serial ea PC-> RS232 to RJ45 cable-> GPON OLT Console port)

(2) Teko ea puisano. (PingTester software)

(3) GPON ONU khoutu ea ho ngola. (GPON ONU code code software)

Software ea tlhahlobo ea puisano: PingTester. (Romela lipakete tsa data tse 1000)

Tlhophiso ea ngoliso ea GPON OLT: (Lebitso la mosebelisi: Password ea motso:admin) MA5608T> thusa MA5608T# conf t MA5608T(config)# interface gpon 0/1 MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont add 0 1 sn-auth ZTEG-00000001 omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100 MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 1 vlan 101 MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/ 1)# tsoa MA5608T(config)# service-port vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0 ont 1 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 101 MA5608T(config)#save


Tharollo 2: Ngoliso ea sehlopha le tlhahlobo ea batch (3), ngola khoutu pele ebe u etsa liteko.

Tshebetso: (1) GPON ONU coding. (GPON ONU coding software)

(2) GPON OLT tlhophiso ea ngoliso.

(3) Teko ea puisano.

(4) GPON OLT deregistration configuration.


Software ea tlhahlobo ea puisano: Software ea Xinertai.

Tlhophiso ea ngoliso ea GPON OLT: (ngolisa li-ONU tse 3 nako le nako, fetola boleng ba GPON SN ka taelo e latelang ho boleng ba GPON SN ea ONU hore e ngolisoe)

MA5608T> thusa

Setšoantšo sa MA5608T#

MA5608T(config)# segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo gpon 0/1

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont add 0 1 sn-auth ZTEG-00000001 omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont add 0 2 sn-auth ZTEG-00000002 omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont add 0 3 sn-auth ZTEG-00000003 omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 1 vlan 101

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 1 vlan 101

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont port native-vlan 0 3 eth 1 vlan 101

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# tsoa

MA5608T(config)# service-port vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0 ont 1 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 101

MA5608T(config)# service-port vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0 ont 2 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 101

MA5608T(config)# service-port vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0 ont 3 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 101

Tokiso ea ho tsoa ho GPON OLT:

MA5608T(config)# etsolla boema-kepe ba tshebeletso vlan 100 gpon 0/1/0

MA5608T(config)# segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo gpon 0/1

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ot delete 0 kaofela


Tharollo 3: Ngoliso ea sehlopha le tlhahlobo ea batch (47), ngola khoutu pele ebe u etsa liteko.

Ts'ebetso e ts'oana le ea Tharollo ea 2. Liphapang:

a. Li-ONU tse 47 li ngolisoa nako le nako nakong ea tlhophiso ea ngoliso ea GPON OLT.

b. H3C_Ping software e sebelisoa bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea puisano.


Litaelo tsa Huawei OLT

Username: motso

Password: admin

Taelo ea ho fetola puo: fetola mokhoa oa puo


MA5680T(config)#display version //Sheba mofuta oa tlhophiso ea sesebelisoa


MA5680T(config)#boto ea ho bonts'a 0 // Sheba boemo ba boto ea sesebelisoa, taelo ena e sebelisoa hangata


SlotID BoardName Status SubType0 SubType1 Online/Offline

------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

0 H806GPBD E tloaelehileng


2 H801MCUD Active_normal CPCA


4 H801MPWC E Tlwaelehileng


------------------------------------------------- -----------------------




MA5608T(config)#board netefatsa 0 // Bakeng sa liboto tse fumanoeng ka bo eona, netefatso ea hlokahala pele liboto li ka sebelisoa.

// Bakeng sa mapolanka a sa tiisetsoang, pontšo ea ts'ebetso ea hardware ea boto e tloaelehile, empa sekepe sa tšebeletso se ke ke sa sebetsa.

0 foreimi 0 slot board e tiisitsoe //0 foreimi 0 slot board e netefalitsoe

0 foreimi 4 slot board e netefalitsoe //0 foreimi 4 slot board e netefalitsoe



Mokhoa oa 1: Kenya ONU e ncha 'me u e nolofalletse ho fumana IP ka VLAN 40. Latela mehato e ka tlase ho lokisa

① Sheba li-ONU tse sa ngolisoang ho bona hore na ke boema-kepe bofe ba PON ho OLT le nomoro ea SN ea ONU e sa ngolisoang

MA5608T(config)#splay ont autofind all


② Kenya boto ea GPON ho eketsa le ho ngolisa ONU;

MA5608T(config)#interface gpon 0/0

(Tlhokomeliso: SN e lokela ho fetoloa ho latela maemo a sebele. 7 e latelang e bua ka nomoro ea boema-kepe ea PON (OLT's PON 7 port) Ka mor'a ho eketsa ka katleho, e tla etsa hore ONT x e kenyelelitsoe ka katleho, joalo ka ONU No. 11. )


MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont add 7 sn-auth HWTC19507F78 OMCI ont-lineprofile-name line-profile_100 ont-srvprofile-id 100 MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont add 7 sn-auth FTTH1952F670 OMCI ont-lineprofile-name test ont-srvprofile-id 10 View GPON DDM value: MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#display ont optical-info 7 0 Sheba boemo ba ngodiso ba GPON: MA5608T( config-if-gpon -0/0) #bontša boema-kepe bo bolela tsohle

---------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------


F/S/P 0/0/0

Boemo ba Optical Module Online

Port state Offline

Laser state Normal

Bandwidth e fumanehang(Kbps) 1238110

Mocheso(C) 29

TX Bias current(mA) 23

Phepelo ea Voltage(V) 3.22

Matla a TX(dBm) 3.31

Molotsana ea seng molaong ONT Ha a eo

Bohole bo Holimo(Km) 20

Bolelele ba maqhubu(nm) 1490

Mofuta oa Fiber Single Mode

Bolelele(9μm)(km) 20.0

------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

F/S/P 0/0/1

Boemo ba Optical Module Online

Port state Offline

Laser state Normal

Bandwidth e fumanehang(Kbps) 1238420

Mocheso(C) 34

TX Bias current(mA) 30

Phepelo ea Voltage(V) 3.22

TX matla (dBm) 3.08

Molotsana ea seng molaong ONT Ha a eo

Bohole bo Holimo(Km) 20

Bolelele ba maqhubu(nm) 1490

Mofuta oa Fiber Single Mode

Bolelele(9μm)(km) 20.0

------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

F/S/P 0/0/2

Boemo ba Optical Module Online

Port state Offline

Laser state Normal

Bandwidth e fumanehang(Kbps) 1239040

Mocheso(C) 34

TX Bias current(mA) 27

Phepelo ea Voltage(V) 3.24

Matla a TX(dBm) 2.88

Molotsana ea seng molaong ONT Ha a eo

Bohole bo Holimo(Km) 20

Bolelele ba maqhubu(nm) 1490

Mofuta oa Fiber Single Mode

Bolelele(9μm)(km) 20.0

------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

F/S/P 0/0/3

Boemo ba Optical Module Online

Port state Offline

Laser state Normal

Bandwidth e fumanehang(Kbps) 1239040

Mocheso(C) 35

TX Bias current(mA) 25

Phepelo ea Voltage(V) 3.23

Matla a TX(dBm) 3.24

Molotsana ea seng molaong ONT Ha a eo

Bohole bo Holimo(Km) 20

Bolelele ba maqhubu(nm) 1490

Mofuta oa Fiber Single Mode

Bolelele(9μm)(km) 20.0



查看GPON注册的信息:MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#display ont info 7 0

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

F/S/P : 0/0/7

NT-ID : 0

Laola folakha : e sebetsang

Boemo ba ho matha: inthaneteng

Boemo ba tlhophiso : bo tloaelehileng

Boemo ba papali : bapisa

Mofuta oa DBA: SR

Sebaka sa ONT(m) : 64

Boemo ba betri ea ONT: -

Mosebetsi oa memori: -

Mosebetsi oa CPU: -

Mocheso : -

Mofuta oa 'nete: SN-auth

SN : 48575443B0704FD7 (HWTC-B0704FD7)

Mokhoa oa tsamaiso: OMCI

Mokhoa oa ho sebetsa oa software : e tloaelehileng

Boemo ba ho itšehla thajana : e tloaelehileng

ONT IP 0 aterese/mask : -


Lebaka la ho qetela: -

Nako ea ho qetela : 2021-04-27 22:56:47+08:00

Nako ea ho qetela: -

Nako ea ho qetela ea ho shoa: -

ONT nako ea Marang-rang : Matsatsi a 0, lihora tse 0, metsotsoana e 0, metsotsoana e 25

Tšehetso ea Mofuta oa C: Ha e tšehetse

Mokhoa oa ho sebelisana : ITU-T

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Mokhoa oa ho lokisa oa VoIP : Kamehla

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

ID ea boemo ba mohala: 10

Lebitso la boemo ba mohala : teko

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Phetoho ea FEC e holimo: Tlosa

OMCC encrypt switch : E tima

Mokhoa oa Qos: PQ

Mokhoa oa 'mapa: VLAN

Tsamaiso ea TR069: Thibela

TR069 IP index:0


Sheba lintlha tsa ngoliso ea GPON: MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#display ont info 7 0

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Foreimi/sekotjana/kou: 0/0/7

Nomoro ea ON: 0

Taolo ea folakha: E kentsoe tšebetsong

Folakha ea ts'ebetso: Offline

Boemo ba tlhophiso: Boemo ba pele

Boemo bo tšoanang: Boemo ba pele

Mokhoa oa DBA: -

ONT sebaka se fapaneng (m): -

Boemo ba betri ea ONT: -

Tšebeliso ea memori: -

Tšebeliso ea CPU: -

Mocheso: -

Mokhoa oa ho netefatsa: netefatso ea SN

Nomoro ea serial: 72746B6711111111 (rtkg-11111111)

Mokhoa oa tsamaiso: OMCI

Mokhoa oa ho sebetsa: Tloaelehileng

Boemo ba ho itšehla thajana: Tloaelehile


Lebaka la ho qetela la ho se be teng inthaneteng: -

Nako ea ho qetela inthaneteng: -

Nako ea ho qetela ea offline: -

Nako ea ho qetela ea ho tima: -

ONT nako ea inthaneteng: -

Hore na Mofuta oa C oa tšehetsoa: -

Mokhoa oa ho kopanya oa ONT: ha o tsejoe

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Mokhoa oa tlhophiso oa VoIP: kamehla

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Nomoro ea template ea mohala: 10

Lebitso la mohlala oa mohala: teko

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Phetoho ea FEC e holimo: e holofetse

OMCC encryption switch: e koetsoe

Mokhoa oa QoS: PQ

Mokhoa oa 'mapa: VLAN

Mokhoa oa tsamaiso oa TR069: o holofetse

TR069 IP index: 0

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Tlhaloso: * E khetholla TCONT e sa bonahaleng (TCONT e bolokiloeng)

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

ID ea template ea DBA: 1

ID ea template ea DBA: 10

------------------------------------------------- -------------------

| Mofuta oa tšebeletso: ETH | Koetliso e tlase: E tima | Cascade tšobotsi: E tima | GEM-KOLOI: - |

| Ntlha ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa: 0 | Tlas'a maemo a holimo: - |

------------------------------------------------- -------------------

Lethathamo la 'mapa VLAN Priority Port type index ea Boema-kepe Sehlopha se tlamang ID Phallo-CAR Phetiso e pepeneneng

------------------------------------------------- -------------------

1 100 - - - - - -

------------------------------------------------- -------------------

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Tlhokomeliso: Sebelisa taelo ea ip ea tafole ea sephethephethe ho sheba tlhophiso ea tafole ea sephethephethe.

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Nomoro ea template ea tšebeletso: 10

Lebitso la template ea tšebeletso: teko

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Mofuta oa boema-kepe Palo ea likou

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

PITS'A tloaeleha

ETH Adaptive

Tlhaloso: VDSL0

Tlhaloso: TDM 0


CATV Adaptive


------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------


Mofuta oa TDM: E1


Mofuta oa ts'ebeletso ea TDM: TDMoGem


Mosebetsi oa ho ithuta oa aterese ea MAC: Noble


Ts'ebetso ea phetisetso e pepeneneng ea ONT: Thibela


Switjha ya ho lemoha sekgoqetsane: Thibela


Loop port e koalang ka boiketsetso: bulela


Khafetsa ea phetisetso ea Loop: 8 (lipakete/motsotsoana)


Potoloho ea ho lemoha ha Loop: 300 (metsotsoana)


Mokhoa oa ho fetisa oa Multicast: Se ke oa tsotella


Multicast fetisa VLAN: -


Multicast mode: Se ke oa tsotella


Mokhoa oa ho fetisa molaetsa oa Uplink IGMP: Seke oa tsotella


Phatlalatso ea molaetsa oa Uplink IGMP VLAN: -


Uplink molaetsa oa bohlokoa oa IGMP: -


Khetho ea Native VLAN: Ela hloko


Leano la mebala la molaetsa oa Uplink PQ: -


Pholisi ea mebala ea molaetsa oa Downlink PQ: -


------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------


Mofuta oa boema-kepe Mokhoa oa QinQ Leano la pele-pele Sephethephethe se pharalletseng se theosa

ID ea template ID ea template


------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

ETH 1 Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng

ETH 2 Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng

ETH 3 Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng

ETH 4 Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng

ETH 5 Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng

ETH 6 Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng

ETH 7 Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng

ETH 8 Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng Se kgathaleng

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Tlhokomeliso: * Setšoantšo sa sephethephethe sa boema-kepe sa ONT se hlophisitsoe ka litaelo tse hlakileng.

Sebelisa taelo ea ip ea tafole ea sephethephethe ho sheba tlhophiso ea tafole ea sephethephethe.

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Leano la Molaetsa la Mofuta oa Boema-kepe Mokhoa o Motheong oa Ts'ebetso o sa Bapisoeng Leano la Molaetsa

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

ETH 1 Processing Lahla

ETH 2 Ho Sebetsa ho Lahla

ETH 3 Ho Sebetsa ho Lahla

ETH 4 Processing Ho lahla

ETH 5 Ho Sebetsa ho Lahla

ETH 6 Ho Sebetsa ho Lahla

ETH 7 Ho Sebetsa ho Lahla

ETH 8 Ho Sebetsa ho Lahla

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Mofuta oa Boema-kepe ID DSCP Mapping Template Index

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

ETH 10

ETH 20

ETH 30

ETH 40

ETH 50

ETH 6 0

ETH 70

ETH 80


------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Port Type ID ID IGMP Molaetsa oa IGMP Molaetsa oa IGMP Aterese ea MAC

Mokhoa oa Phatlalatso oa Phatlalatso ea VLAN ea Bohlokoa Boholo ba Nomoro ea ho Ithuta

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

ETH 1 - - - E se nang moeli

ETH 2 - - - Ha e na moeli

ETH 3 - - - Ha e na moeli

ETH 4 - - - Ha e na moeli

ETH 5 - - - Ha e na moeli

ETH 6 - - - Ha e na moeli

ETH 7 - - - Ha e na moeli

ETH 8 - - - Ha e na moeli

------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Nomoro ea template ea leano la alamo: 0

Lebitso la template ea leano la alamo: alarm-policy_0


③ Lokisa VLAN bakeng sa boema-kepe ba marang-rang (SFU e hloka ho hlophisoa; HGU e ka hlophisoa kapa che)

(Tlhokomeliso: 7 1 eth 1 e bolela boema-kepe ba PON 7 ea OLT, 11th ONU, palo ea li-ONU e lokela ho fetoloa ho latela maemo a sebele, 'me palo ea li-ONU tse sa tsoa eketsoa e tla hlahisoa ha ho eketsoa)

MA5608T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont port native-vlan 7 11 eth 1 vlan 40


④Lokisa boema-kepe ba tšebeletso ea boema-kepe (ka bobeli SFU le HGU li hloka ho hlophisoa)


(Tlhokomeliso: gpon 0/0/7 ont 11 PON 7 port, 11th ONU. Fetola ho latela maemo a sebele, joalo ka holimo.)

MA5608T(config)#service-port vlan 40 gpon 0/0/7 ont 11 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 40 tag-transform translate


Mokhoa oa 2: Kenya sebaka sa ONU e teng 'me u e lumelle ho fumana IP ka VLAN 40

① Sheba ONU e sa ngolisoang ho bona hore na ke boema-kepe bofe ba PON ba OLT le hore na nomoro ea SN ea ONU e sa ngolisoang ke efe.

MA5608T(config)#splay ont autofind all


② Kenya GPON board gpon 0/0 ho nkela ONU sebaka;

MA5608T(config)#interface gpon 0/0

(Tlhokomeliso: SN e lokela ho fetoloa ho latela maemo a sebele. 7 e latelang e bua ka nomoro ea boema-kepe ba PON (OLT PON port 7). E leng hore ONU e ka nkeloa sebaka, mohlala, nka sebaka sa ONU No. 1 ka tlase)

Nako ea poso: Oct-26-2024

Ngolisa ho Leselinyana la Rōna

Bakeng sa lipotso mabapi le lihlahisoa tsa rona kapa lethathamo la litheko, ka kopo re siele lengolo-tsoibila la hau mme re tla ikopanya le rona nakong ea lihora tse 24.